Sunday, April 4, 2010

Epic El Nino...

I love when news agencies decide to use the same angle on a story. especially when they use the exact same words. All news reports have been calling New England's tremendous amount of rainfall "epic."

It has rained non-stop since Monday, but the epic down pour has not stopped me from getting to and from work. Forecasts predict this epic storm to take a break for the weekend, and may or may not pick up again early next week.

rain, rain go away.

I'll keep my fingers crossed. Epic-ly.

5 more days...

Is how long it will take for the internet server/modem/router/IT stuff/computer things to arrive for self-installation high-speed internet. Hopefully, all will go smoothly and I will be connected by the weekend.

My new boss yelled at me for not being on FB, so I can reply to his messages.

Getting up at 6 am is hard, reminds me of high school. Hopefully I won't wake up 5 minutes before I have to leave (at 7) like high school too. I don't think throwing on sweats and putting my hair in a pony tail would be considered professional at the office.

My drive to work is easy, and I enjoy the 30 minutes of down time in the car that I have with my iPod. It takes about 30-40 min. Traffic is always going in the opposite direction and man am I glad I don't have to go that way.


1 melt down
16 hours of driving
3 tanks of gas
4 stops
5 parking spots
1 pit stop
7 interstates
1 shower
3 restaurants
2 meals on the road
5 states

I made it to Boston.
With 18 hours to go until my first day at the First Years for my 3rd co-op quarter.

The drive was good. I had great company, great tunes and great snacks.

But I have to say, the most interesting part of my drive was after my stop in NYC, en route to Boston. Seeing company HQs are more fun when you're not looking for them. I drove by home of the NYT and WWE (formerly WWF) on my way to Boston this morning. Both times, I seriously contemplated stopping, turning around just to get a picture, but i didn't so these internet grabs will have to do.


All I have to do now, is get the internet set up in my grandparent's home, where I am staying and I am all set for the next 3 months. So far so good. Its gonna be a good spring.

For the past week...

I was a one of eight people who helped build Sheila Clark a desperately needed roof for her porch. I went for the second time to CAP's WorkFest over spring break in Eastern KY. We didn't finish completely like last year, but check out what we did accomplish:
First, get to KY.

1. Become comfortable on the roof.

2. hold stuff while the people who know what they're doing do it.

3. "common rafters" are easy. square cuts, straight across. The incompetent workers (me and ali) were allowed to nails these in. We used a technique called "toe nailing." But for normal people, we just nailed them in at an angle. We missed sometimes.

4. "jack rafters" are a pain in the arse. They are NOT square. The angle to the beam that is square on top of the roof AND the slope of the roof are taken into account. By doing so, the new roof will blend seamlessly into the existing one. Here was our ever-so-technical process of making these work.

a. measure to the distance to the chalk line, but add a few inches just incase.
b. check level, check if it fits.
c. it's not? trim a .25 inch.
d. check again. LEVEL, check.
e. repeat til it fits. Then nail it, screw it, bing bang done.

5. admire your work and drink an Ale 81 (a late one)

6. Add planks. We had 7 people hammering at one time. Was that necessary? No. Was it loud? Yes.

7. add the tar paper. This is what shingles will be nailed to. It helps seal off the roof to the weather.
8. build an attic. We did this without any help from our leader. Pretty cool.

9. Other miscellaneous things.
The other half of the team also re-vamped Sheila's kitchen and gave her a new bathroom toilet, sink, vanity, and floor. Pretty sweet stuff. Only 2 smashed fingers and one minor cut later, the week was over and our time in KY was finished. I'd say it was one of my most productive weeks of the year.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Back on the Blog...

And I'm going to Boston.
I got this awesome book as a present:
1000 Places to See Before you Die
Guess what, Boston/Massachusettes/New York are all over it
Time to book mark

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Its official...

I hate budgets. A lot.
Due to a lack of funds, I will not be returning to my second co-op for another quarter in the spring. Sucks. But it can only mean that I get to do more stuff right? We'll see how the applying process goes this time. Always stresses me out.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Sutro Baths...

Sutro Baths used to be large bath houses that were burnt down some time ago. Now, the ruins are a beginning urban photographer's dream. So easy to find compositions of nature/dstruction/urban bricks/decomposing steel polls.

Wedding pictures...

An album cover being shot...

And yes, you can have too many pictures of a sunset.